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Answers about Pokemon Tower Defense

페이지 정보

작성자 Kelsey Standley
댓글 0건 조회 28회 작성일 25-03-09 08:38


When you go into the Jubilife City tv station go upstairs where there is a man and Buy Cheap Private Proxy ( a woman standing next to each other. Go up to the man and select the words "e
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Pokemon Tower Defense

How do you get kyogre in Pokemon Tower Defense?

Asked by Wiki User

You cannot get Kyogre in PTD because Sam (the creator of the game) banned it from trading and said nobody can catch it. Well you can get it but you have to hack
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Pokemon Tower Defense

How do you beat Zapdos in Pokemon tower defence?

Asked by Wiki User

class=use a jynx that knows perish song and use it when it is l.v 100


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